How to choose the best daycare for your child?

Finding the best day care school for your child can be difficult, especially here in India. The day care concept is relatively new in our country, so there aren’t many schools with trained staff. But we obviously want our kids to be safe, well cared for and happy. So, with that in mind, here are the things to look for, when picking a day care.

Safe environment

Make sure that the day care center adheres to the highest safety standards possible. Kids by nature are curious and need constant supervision. Look for day care schools with clear emergency protocols. The management of the school should be approachable if you have any concerns about the safety of your ward. In case you are using the school’s transport facility, make sure that they have policies for verifying drop off points, people who can pick up the child, visitors etc.

Age-appropriate learning

Children thrive in environments that cater to their specific needs, based on age and gender. Make sure that the day care school you pick up has the learning environment, toys, and games that make your child happy. Moreover, the classroom furnishings should be child-friendly and accessible.

Stimulating curriculum

The day care school should have a curriculum that keeps the kids engaged at all times. Look for curriculum that emphasizes on experiential learning through physical play, group activities, music, arts and even mealtimes. Also, the system should allow the children to learn at their own pace, instead of pressurizing them into learning forcefully.

Personalized childcare

If your kid is very small, then he or she will need proper childcare routine. The day care center should have trained staff who can follow the feeding and sleeping cycle of your kid. Also, make sure that they have adequate staffing ratio so you can be assured your child will be looked after.


Children are prone to catching infections more than adults, and hence it’s imperative that the day care school of your choice has a strict sickness policy in effect. Ask how and where the food is cooked, how cleaning and sanitation works and how often the toys and learning tools are cleaned. In case the day care has bedding for afternoon naps, ensure that the sheets are cleaned regularly.

Sending your kid to Alpine First Step Preschool

If you are looking for a day care school in Greater Noida, Alpine First Step is one of the finest preschools in Greater Noida. The preschool offers home-like environment and child centric learning and has some of the best daycare educators. You can be rest assured of the safety and security of your child with police verified staff and drivers and universal CCTV coverage.

Know more about Alpine First Step Preschool in Greater Noida.

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Alpine First Step March 15, 2021 0 Comments

5 Parameters Parents Should Look at While Choosing a Preschool

A preschool is the first step for a child towards the various bigger steps lying ahead in life. The foundation of various creative, critical and practical instincts of a child are recognized and developed during his/her preschool years. Thus, this decision is very crucial for every parent.

Just out of the challenges of infancy, the stage of getting used to the quirks of handling a toddler might puzzle out this decision for many parents. It’s important here to understand that choosing the right playschool can be a life-altering decision for the child, as early education has a positive impact on his/her social and academic life. Thus, here are some of the essential and critical aspects to choose the best and right preschool for your child.

  • Location: Little beings are most vulnerable and are not well-versed in expressing their emotions and fears. Thus, they seek constant support and the presence of their parents in most of their daily activities. Sending your child to a faraway preschool might not do well for your child’s as well as your mental peace and growth. Choose a school in a nearby location to avoid any hassle and initial adjustment issues of your child in an unfamiliar environment and with strangers.
  • Infrastructure & Safety Precaution: Leaving your child in an alien environment for the very first time can be difficult for most parents. Thus, they tend to look out for a safe and caring environment as the most basic, crucial and essential requirement of choosing a preschool. Therefore, look out for space with infrastructure and safety measures more aligned with your ideas/thoughts in mind.
  • Talk to Other Parents: A good way of starting the hunt for the preschool is to initiate talk with your friends and neighbours about preschools in your area. You can learn about schools with fine reputations and see what kind of experiences their children have had at them.
  • Methodology Followed By the School: Different schools go for different philosophies of education. Be clear and strategic as to which mythology resonates with your idea of education for your child before finalizing the preschool.
  • Parent Involvement: Some schools work with an open-door policy for parents, while some are strict about parent visits and intervention. So most importantly, find out how the school plans to keep you updated about your child’s progress and what their policy for interaction with teachers is.

While reading out the various stated points aloud, you can consider visiting the home page of our website. Alpine First Step Preschool is the best preschool in Greater Noida with the most premium facilities and world-class education. We provide a warm and encouraging atmosphere that enhances self-concept, instills basic moral values, and enriches awareness of the natural and cultural world. As the leading nursery school in Greater Noida, we believe in inspiring imagination, creativity, and play for every learner and in imparting value-based education to the kids so that they turn out to be global citizens.

Read More: The Various Benefits of Attending Preschool For Toddlers

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Alpine First Step March 12, 2021 0 Comments

Important Learning Parameters Included in a Kindergarten

The holistic growth of a child means that the child should be allowed to develop in a comprehensive way. The four domains that need to be addressed are as follows:

  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Language and Literacy Development
  • Cognitive Development
  • Physical and Motor Development

Social and Emotional Development

Children enjoy playing and learning with others. As children develop socially they become sensitive to other children‘s feelings; they learn to take turns, share and cooperate with others. The best kindergarten schools in Greater Noida create the appropriate environment in the playschools for such activities to happen. Social development is the development of good habits, basic human values and attitudes. Emotional development provides the basis for social development as it has implications for a child’s social behaviour and interactions. It includes factors such as children’s perception about themselves and their ability to understand feelings of others and express their own feelings.

Language and Literacy Development

This domain relates to the development of effective communication skills and emergent literacy. Communication skills should be developed by providing sufficient opportunities for listening, speaking using plenty of vocabulary. For this to happen, you need to have a plan. A planned curriculum of a kindergarten school helps a child to achieve literacy and language goals. literacy for them means print awareness such as sound-letter combinations, reading and writing readiness through a print rich environment. The early years are very important for acquiring language skills.

Cognitive Development

Cognitive development is the development of those mental processes or skills that help an individual to get to know her /his environment. This domain refers to abilities regarding thinking and problem-solving as well as conceptual knowledge about objects and the way the world works. Children ask questions; make predictions about what might happen and what might be the consequences etc. Cognitive skills also include mathematical thinking. Children learn to match, classify, solve problems, discriminate, repeat patterns, and arrange objects in sequence and so on.

Physical and Motor Development

Physical and motor development involves the use and coordination of fine and gross motor skills. Children must get many opportunities to move their bodies and use their motor skills if they are to develop properly. They need good health, an encouraging environment and opportunities for practice.

Read More: The Various Benefits of Attending Preschool For Toddlers

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The Various Benefits of Attending Preschool For Toddlers

Preschool is the first experience for your toddler in a structured setting with teachers and groups of children. It’s an opportunity to learn to share, follow instructions, and begin the foundation for learning that will occur in elementary school. Alpine First Step is one of the best preschools in Noida, which offers a high-quality early childhood education program. Highly trained teachers at Alpine First Step preschool in Greater Noida with organized space, time and activities which help in the development of children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities.

Children Build Trust

A toddler, in order to learn, needs to feel cared for and secure with a teacher or caregiver. The child is able to spend time away from parents and build trusting relationships with adults outside the family, which is a very important life skill that can only be thought by sending them to preschools where the kids are safe.

Children get to Make Choices

Children have several choices of activities; a child who is wandering aimlessly is encouraged to choose one that interests him. Teachers are alert to a child who can’t figure out how to enter other children’s play and may offer him suggestions on ways to join the group which in turn helps the child build social skills and decision making.

Children Learn to Take Care of Themselves and Others

Children’s sense of competence and self-worth grow as they learn to take care of themselves and help others; this happens very effortlessly and beautifully in a preschool set up. Teachers appeal to a young child’s desire to engage in “real work” by offering him/her chances to help out in the classroom, for example, by setting the table at snack time or watering the plants. Children are expected to wash their hands before snack time, keep personal belongings in their “cubby,” and put away toys before moving to a new activity. All these activities help the children function successfully in a kindergarten classroom.

Read More: Points Stating the Importance of Day Care in Today’s Dynamic Lifestyle

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Points Stating the Importance of Day Care in Today’s Dynamic Lifestyle

Daycare is a necessity for most parents because many families require two incomes to get by financially. Others have made a personal choice to combine working and supportive home life for the benefit of all members of the household. Single parents usually don’t have the capacity to raise their young ones and hold down a job at the same time.

While the inability to do it all is often stressful for many parents, they can rest assured daycare is a viable option. It offers long-lasting social, economic, and academic benefits for kids and their parents. Studies have shown that children, including babies and infants from the ages of 6 months to 4 years, benefit from the Daycare environment, including its quality instruction, structure, and social lessons.

Here are some advantages or pros of a day-care centre for children:

Children Learn to Socialize

Daycare is a great place for children of the same age group to get together and interact on day to day basis. These meaningful interactions helping developing social skills in children. They learn the art of communication and hence their language skills are developed at a very age which helps them to have a better grip on their emotions and expression. Children understand how to make friends.

Children Learn to Follow Schedule

No formal education is imparted at best day-care centers, the various activities that are planned for the children are executed in a structured manner. Though the children might not be aware of the ticking clock, children are provided with a full slate of activities that include songs and storytelling, etc. The scheduled activities are also satisfying for parents, who have less worry that their toddler’s behavior will be erratic at the end of the day due to lack of structured times of eating playing, and napping

Children Begin Learning at an Early Age

Day-care centers not only take care of your child but also plan various activities for your child These activities help your child to learn various educational concepts at a young age. There are many day-care centers that may adopt play and learn the concept. Therefore, the importance of day-care in child development cannot be undermined.

Smoother Transition

Children who start going to day-care centers may find it easier to adjust to the schooling atmosphere. This is because by the time they are ready to go to a Nursery they may already be aware of being with the same age group children, follow a schedule, and other such things that may make the transition easier for them.

Contentment for the Parents

Every parent wants to be with his/her child but due to various constraints, sometimes this may not be possible. Therefore, when parents leave their children in a trusted environment where they are assured that their child will be taken care of and thus they may feel contented and happy.

Read Also: The Role Of Playschools in-molding A Kids Future

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Alpine First Step February 25, 2021 0 Comments

The Role Of Playschools in-molding A Kids Future

“The first five years have so much to do with how the next 80 turn out”. Maira Montessori.

This is such a powerful statement that stuck with me. The emotional, spiritual, social, and physical development of a child in their preschool years (2-5 years) has a direct effect on their growth and who they will become as an adult. All the Best play schools believe that a child’s first 5 years of life are the foundation for his future learning abilities, and achievement in their school, family, community, and life in general.

Preschool-aged children also learn the quickest and retain the most in their first 5 years of life. Do you remember learning how to hold a cup? Or how to walk or run? Now, you do it without even thinking about it! Preschool years are a time to learn skills you need for life (balancing, walking, problem-solving, language development…etc), that you are not instinctively born with knowing how to do (like breathing, swallowing…etc).
When my son was 2 yrs old I started exploring playschools near me because Preschool education helps children to explore, understanding the world around them no matter how much we try we cannot give them that environment at home.

The best playschools devise such teaching-learning methods where children use creative thinking while developing their imagination, fine and large motor skills, physical, social, cognitive, and emotional strength, as a result, the little minds turn out to be confident and smart learners they know how to manage their emotions and social behavior.

Alpine first step is one of the best play schools in Greater Noida. AFS is a home away from the home where children have the freedom to explore learn to create using the state-of-the-art learning labs which are loaded with child-friendly resources which aid in the holistic learning and development of the child. All staff members at AFS are experienced and trained in child handling. Visit the website for more information.

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Alpine First Step February 25, 2021 0 Comments
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    We believe children learn by building on the knowledge they already have – primarily exhibited through play. Teachers help children learn by creating a rich environment to explore via exciting educational activities.

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