Our Pre School & Day Care Programs
PlayWay believes in creating classrooms that are an extension of home where children can engage in play, familiarize their surroundings, and express themselves with freedom.
Children learn to freely explore, discover and experience a wide range of sensory, creative and physical experiences while learning the importance of focussing on a single task.
They learn to read, write and converse in English, and are agile and sporty. The age appropriate, progressive learning activities lead to the transition from a pre-schooler to a kindergartner.
At this crucial stage, they are confident, good at communicating thoughts and ideas and become willing learners. They pick up and practise the 3 R's (Reading, wRiting and aRithmatic).
During Day care, children will be engaged in age appropriate learning activities. A daily report of each child will be shared with the parent, highlighting information about their activity, engagements and meals.